Got questions? We have the answers to the top 5 questions we are asked daily, including how much dentures cost.
Dentures are individually customized for each patient. That's why we offer free consulations, so just like your car mechanic, we can take a look under the hood.
At our denture clinic, we like to think that the best patient is an informed one.
We can appreciate that the first visit may cause some anxiety for some patients. To put your fears at rest, we’ve taken the top 5 denture questions we get on a regular basis and turned them into an FAQ for easy reading.
Q: What happens during the initial consultation?
There’s always paperwork!
We understand that filling out forms can be tedious, so we give you a head start by getting your contact information down when we chatted on the phone. But, our clinic still requires some additional information from first time patients in particular. So, we’ll be asking about:
Your general state of health.
Any medications that you are currently taking.
The contact information for your dentist if you currently have one. If you don’t we are pleased to recommend one if necessary.
And a few details on your oral history, such as whether you currently wear dentures; type (full or partial); and when you started wearing them.
You can relax. It’s really quite a short form.
The examination.
From the waiting room, you will be brought into one of our examination rooms, where Mr. Delsaut will look into your mouth, check your dentures if you currently have them now and discuss treatment options including cost.
If you’d like to bring someone with you during the initial consultation to help fill in the paperwork, answer questions or even ask a few, that’s perfectly fine.
Q: Are dentures covered under insurance plans?
As there are insurance plans, there are different types of coverage. That's why we recommend you check with your insurance provider before the initial consultation to determine whether dentures are covered.
All treatment at the Allan Delsaut Denture clinic must be paid when the work is completed. Your insurance company will then reimburse you directly. Our clinical staff are happy to help complete the paperwork on your behalf.
Please bring the full details of the plan, and if possible a copy of the plan with you on your initial visit.
Q: Do I see my dentist first?
If you think you need dentures, we prefer that you see Mr. Delsaut first.
We are happy to reach out to your dentist (when needed) to discuss our treatment plan. If there are any concerns with your natural teeth or the state of your gums, we can refer you to a dental specialist if you don’t currently have your own dentist.
Q: Do you need a doctor’s referral to see a denturist?
Referrals aren’t necessary. Just call the office to book an appointment. If you do have a family dentist please bring their contact information with you to the initial consultation.
Q: How much will it cost? Even just a ballpark.
There is no such thing as a ‘ballpark’ when it comes to dentures. And that’s simply because Mr. Delsaut needs to get in under the hood and have a look inside your mouth.
That’s why our intial consultations are free because it’s not until we have had the opportunity to review your case history and complete an oral examination, that we can give you a price.
We know that you’re anxious about the price, but consider our dilemma: dentures are customized to fit into your mouth. That means that every denture, whether full or partial has to be fabricated individually.
It’s not until Mr. Delsaut looks in your mouth that he can determine:
What are the state of your gums? Do you need any teeth extracted?
Is this your first set of dentures? If not, are you wearing full or partials? And if partials, how many teeth and clasps are required?
What kind of denture experience are you looking for? One option we can always discuss is the optimal solution for denture wearers – dental-implant supported dentures, which are the closest thing to having natural teeth as you can get.
After the initial consultation we’ll both have a better idea as to what treatment you require and how much you can expect to pay.
Have more questions? Good.
Bring them with you to the initial consultation and I will be happy to answer them for you.